Auto Insurance, Driving Tips, Saraland
Distracted driving is a pervasive issue on our roads today, contributing to countless accidents and tragedies. From smartphones to in-car entertainment systems, numerous distractions vie for drivers’ attention, posing significant risks to road safety. At...
Auto Insurance, Travel Tips
Travel Tips to consider for this year’s spring break. I hope you are doing well! Students’ spring break is just around the corner, and so is an opportunity for many of us to step away from work and take a relaxing and much-needed break! ~ Kelly Deford While creating...
Home, Homeowner's Insurance
Do you know what your Homeowner’s Insurance covers? Home Owner’s Insurance is as important as the home itself. So many things factor into your specific rate for home insurance. Do you have an alarm system? Is it monitored? Do you have a pet? What type? Is...
Home, Homeowner's Insurance
Did you know? A new pet dog can impact your Homeowner’s Insurance. Let’s talk about dogs and homeowners. Everyone thinks their dog is the sweetest ever and would never hurt anyone and they are possibly right. I agree that not all breeds are subject...